Monday, February 28, 2011

Asset practice

Because it was possible. The model for this practice was Maria.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Definately my favorite feline (that isn't my own oc, no offence to you, Snow).

On a side note, kitty-booty. Loooove iiiiit.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A bit off

I was working with perspective I guess I'll call it, though it doesn't show much of an angle perspective....

Friday, February 11, 2011

He returns

ITS THE TRUTH! Zsenith FINALLY returns to my art (Maybe not fully but hey it's something...).

Yea...he stills a bit of working on but this is gonna end up being his look when I manage to make him all spiffy and shit.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Flashers United

I think that title fits rather well fro what I'm about to show you. A few days ago on mIRC, I was chatting with the gang from #cBug and I needed something to draw, again. So, as some inspiration I figured, hey why not do a group pic and I just kinda snatched a few mentioned oc names and took the picture from there. Now. It was originally going to be something sexual or milk related but the oc personalities didn't fit quite well so I worked up a normal flashing pic.

In order from left to right you have: Nekuila, Morgan, Squeak and Succubus Girl

Morgan is Copyrighted to Zanbon
Squeak is Copyrighted to Squeak
Succubus Girl is Copyrighted to Ranken


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Early Morning Practice 3

Well..I can't exactly say it's "Early Morning" because I didn't finish until like...2 PM. So it's actually "Early Afternoon". Anyway I was still practicing with hands as usually and I think I made them look oh so much better.

Jesus those hands look good don't they?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Early Morning Practice 2

So here's another one done in the early hours of the morning. This time featuring everyone's original favorite feline of mine, Snow.

A note ahead of time, keep it in your pants, Snow-Fans. This is not a mating call...(even if female felines do this to mate, lol.)