Thursday, June 27, 2013

Touchy Feely WIP

So after having been on hiatus pretty much forever, I decided to ask one of my favorite artists if I could draw the character they usually draw because the character is adorable in more ways than I can logically think of.

The last few days I've been working on this image because my queue of work for others is finally (FINALLY) empty.

This one's a tad on the larger side than all my other images because I plan on brushing off the old tablet to see how badly my digital skills have gotten! So it'll be the first digital piece I've done in a long while.

Here we have Nekuila, my own girl on the right, and Lilli, the girl on the left whom I wanted to draw. Nekuila as many of her fans and viewers have seen has a slightly promiscuous nature. She believes most other girls generally do also which leads her to believe that something about Lilli is different from others. Chances are it'll be a bit before they become friends. Bad Nekuila!

Finished version coming eventually.