Saturday, March 30, 2013

Zsenith Ref WIP

He's finally back and with final revisions! Zsenith in the fle-...well Zsenith in the visual... I wouldn't call it flesh cause his limbs are bionic...and he has computer components inside both his brain and near the vicinity of his heart. But enough of the technical details straight to what most of my friends and fans alike have been waiting for!

It's glorious I tell you...after so damn long Zsenith finally makes a genuine appearance, from head to toe!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Are you..." WIP

Just something I've started working on before I get back into the requests I have left.

So a re-encounter with the ever infamous feline of mine, Nekuila, she wants to know if you're okay after bumping into her... Well. Are you?

Just a simple cute/teaser pic. Nekuila as well as my other feline characters (and more than likely the rest of my characters) have a new eye-style, as I'm sure you can see. And as it would seem as my encounter with other friends slowly grows and such, all of those who associate with Nekuila in specific, seem to wish a couple of interesting requests. I won't go into detail with what they are, but I may, for some fan service later, entertain these ideas, they will not become natural to Nekuila's usual habits though. Anyway, onto line and color, I think I'll end up just making a flat color of this.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Accuracy WIP

Another pic for my miss who's been waiting so 'very' patiently for me to finish her pics.

More boobs also.