Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baby's Got Back WIP

Been kinda neglecting my requests lately I'll probably use this line sketch as the marking point and work on those for a bit before I start this project. Probably the most difficult oc i've drawn by far (so many stripes...and tails).

This can't possibly get any worse if I tried to make it so...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

C4P Verya and Snow

Good evening all, it's been a nice day for me so far (Friday that is). got some pics done the night before and just inked them tonight so I have some goodies that you can color over if you like. Just like I've done in the past if you're from dA you can earn points for coloring my work so take some time and go nuts. Again, quality is not something that is mandatory. Although that doesn't mean go "Fill bucket" on all the 'white areas'. try to put some effort in.

These two lovely felines, if colored, will earn you a nice 50 points a piece (i'd offer more but I'm kinda short on "cash" if you catch the drift.)



Another little tidbit before I head off for bed. Marking Snow's reappearance after what I can supposedly call a vacation, our girl has grown a centimeter or two in her chest area! This also marks the beginning of hopefully a continuing pose streak, versus the usual "Standing Pinups" I make.